
I recommend Japanese food.

Japanese food which I like is Yatuhashi., Yatuhashi is famous food of Kyoto. I like Kyoto. Kyoto is a very popular a town in Japan. Do you like Kyoto?? Kyoto has many traditional buildings and many temples.


★My hometown★

I came from Osaka. Osaka is a large town in center Japan. This is a map of Japan. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/asia/japan/

Osaka has many school, many shopping mall, many hospital, many park, many pub, many building, many theatre, many university -and one big dome!!
My country is amazing!! It has many people 127,767,994.



Hobby: 音楽・昼寝・食べ歩き

Like Band: Timberland,Gazetto,Clapton,Deep puple,Bon jovi...etc

Dislike music: Deth metal

Lost heart: 少年の心

Free time: I play 現実逃避.